When asked about the background of a piece of art, artists often provide deep and 'interesting' stories about the ideas motivating the work. Simple works of art are thus transformed into something great to be praised. Michiel Folkers, or Gieler, will not bother you with stories about where he gets his inspiration from and what drives him to paint. What matters to him is that a painting looks nice, and people want to hang it above their sofas.
The techniques he uses is mostly a combination of acrylic, spraypaint and silkscreening. Since 2014 he has been re-using posters ( he collects from walls in the city) and hand tearing them to create his unique images on canvas. His style can be described as pop art, collage art or stencil art. Recurring topics are animals, women and heroes (or anti-heroes) always…’street inspired’
Gieler lives in Amsterdam, the city where he started doing graffiti many years ago. He also available to work on a commissioned basis.